The best carb-free, high protein lasagna you'll ever make!

I found this recipe on @annavictoria's Instagram the other day. It's has a ton of protein in it and the only carbs come from the veggies. I looked for a marinaria sauce that didn't have any added sugar and was organic, by default it had extremely low sodium which was a total bonus. The brand that I recommend is Dave's Gourmet - they have it at Target & Sprouts (it's cheaper in the store than what's listed on their site).

This recipe is an adaptation of Anna's...she recommended putting it in jars for single servings. I used a casserole dish and it makes 6 good sized servings.


1 onion
1 tablespoon minced garlic
A little bit of olive oil
1 lb ground turkey
2 small zucchini
2 egg whites
2 cups cottage cheese
1 1/2 cups no sugar added, low sodium basil marinara sauce
Seasoning for the turkey: onion powder, garlic powder, cumin
Parsley (just to season on top at the end).

Preheat the oven to 350.
Put a little olive oil in your pan that you're going to cook the turkey in and add the onion (cut up) and garlic. Once the onion is almost transparent (not browned) add the turkey and cook thoroughly. Season with the with onion and garlic powders and the cumin. When the meat is fully cooked add the marinara.
Mix together the egg whites and the cottage cheese.
Slice the zucchini into small rounds (1/4 of an inch thick).
Line the dish with a layer of zucchini, add a layer of turkey and a layer of cottage cheese. Repeat so there are six layers total. Bake for 30 minutes. Top with a little parsley - serve hot!

This is really great for dinner after a workout!