My favorite green smoothie recipe

I'm obsessed with this recipe - I drink this smoothie a few times a week! I love it for a few reasons: one is that it's super easy to drink (sometimes green smoothies are so thick that they have a sludge consistency and it's just too much to take on early in the morning) and it tastes delicious! I got the original recipe from a goop detox but I like to add in a couple of things and replace the lemons with limes to shake things up a little bit. I buy this lime juice that's already pressed so I don't have to add in an extra step of juicing a lemon or lime. The recipe below makes enough for two smoothies - the perfect breakfast for those weeknight sleepovers!



1.5 cups non sweetened coconut water (there's a lot of sugar in the bananas so you don't want to add more to the mix)
2 frozen bananas (best when frozen after they're super ripe)
2 big handfuls of spinach
1 square inch of fresh ginger peeled and cut up into tiny pieces
1 tablespoon of the lime juice mentioned above
1 teaspoon matcha
1 teaspoon Glow from The Inner Beauty Chef (this stuff is worth its weight in gold - good for the skin, good for the belly). 
1 scoop collagen peptides from Vital Proteins

You could definitely add some protein powder to this if you want a bigger bang for your buck - it's just going to thicken it up a bit so maybe take away one of the bananas and add a little more coconut water to thin it out.


HealthJayme Junehealth