Making mornings meaningful

I've started taking a little time in the morning to make my routine really meaningful by focusing on my health and wellness. The first key ingredient in this routine is going slow. No more rushing around like a crazy lady - tossing clothes around and chugging coffee. Instead, I'm mindful and patient and easy with myself. Here are few little tips that I do every morning to get the day moving on the right track: peaceful, productive and healthy. 

Oil pulling

First, I do oil pulling. You can learn more about it here, here and here. It's really helped reduce gum inflammation, clear up my sinuses, and power up my immune system because it helps remove toxins from the body. My teeth are whiter, too. Love it.  

To do this you simply put a tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth and swish it around for anywhere from 5-20 minutes. It takes a few times to get used to the consistency and the whole vibe of this - but it's so worth it! Follow by brushing your teeth. 

Warm lemon water

Next, I squeeze a few slices of lemon into warm water (not boiling hot - you want it to be warm enough where it's comfortable to drink) and drink it pretty quickly. This is not only super hydrating but also really good for the digestive system, the liver and the lymph system. It also balances your PH - overall it's a win-win.

Dr. Hauschka

I started using this skin care regime in 2001 when I started working at Kripalu. This has always helped balance out my skin and leaves me feeling so rejuvenated in the morning. This skin care line is full of organic, bio-dynamic ingredients that help balance the skin in areas like dryness or redness. Plus, who doesn't want to start rubbing organic roses all over their face? I highly recommend this entire line - but these are the 3 that I use to start my day, every day.